Monday, November 11, 2019

To Reminisce

There are days I miss my old Salsa friends, ones that I've made over a decade of dancing.

I don't tell anyone because I have no one to talk to these days, but I get overwhelmed with a crippling sensation of loneliness.

It's not all doom and gloom, don't get me wrong. I've reconnected to some old acquaintances, made new friends out of folks I never did before, created and maintained my own mini Salsa community, among others. In fact the other day, I just performed with some of them.

So yeah, this isn't a 'Lost Cause' post. Just a mental note, that despite my really busy schedule and all the craziness going on, I get these pangs of loneliness and isolation. I usually keep it to myself because I don't really know how to talk to people about this - moreso Emily. I bury it deep down, and do something else to pass the time.

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