Thursday, November 26, 2009

Candid Confessions of a Dangerous Dominique

The bitter irony of all this, is that my last post (which is btw more than a year ago) mentions “there hasn’t been a post in quite a while now…

I’ve been reading the early postings of Yours Truly, and I’ve noted certain points of interest and development since March 2008:-

1) I still think that occasional writing is therapeutic. The only difference is lately I’ve been wanting to be heard at least once in a while;

2) I’ve since virtually stopped playing poker. Although I’ve been trying on and off (and losing ungodly sums of money in the learning process – how much ‘fees’ must I pay again!?). Instead, I’ve been dancing. That’s right. You heard me. Dancing. Dominique dances salsa. Get over it. The best part? I’m still dancing as much as ever. In fact, 2 weeks ago, I concluded my 2nd salsa event, the Singapore International Salsa Festival 2009, and before that, the Malaysian Salsa Congress in May 2009;

3) I’ve been into photography for a while now. While I like some of my photos, my inexperience clearly shows in bigger events… :( You can check out my album on my mukasurat Mukabuku;

4) I ended things with my long-time (ex) pompuan at the end of 2008. Enough said.

5) I’ve been travelling. Not a whole lot, but more than I have been for the past couple of years. Granted it was for salsa (mostly) and to nearby places such as Singapore and Krabi, but it’s a step in the right direction;

6) Calvin and I re-joined Aaron Ponniah and his existing band member Dixon, and a newbie, Daniel, to form the band what is known today as the Theory of Change. We’ve had a couple of minor gigs so far, and an upcoming attempted recording. Here’s to more good things for us;

7) I just realized that I never did complete the 3-part “Project” to build from scratch a poker mat out of everyday affordable household items. I’m updated Parts 1 and 2 but not the last one. I think I still have the photos for Part 3. Anyways, the mat was made long ago and is still being used whenever we got to Kheong’s house for a poker session. Although I must say, since then, I’ve made a much bigger, better, and cooler looking one, with real felt! I’ll post it up soon (for the sake of closure). I’ve also since then, amassed a nice mini-collection of poker stuff including pro-grade cards and semi-clay chips;

8) I’ve changed my number back to the same number from the old days;

9) I’ve made some new friends. Something I didn’t really do for a long time;

10) I've since become somewhat a Mukabuku addict.

It kinda made me think of my life so far, up to the past couple of years, up to recently. I suddenly had a “wish-I-could-go-back-and-do-things-differently” moment. I’ll post any more random thought whenever I get them. Better than spamming my Mukabuku Status Update space innit?